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Website optimization

In today’s competitive environment, you need a website that combines elegance and sophistication with an exceptional performance. Website optimization includes:

Charts with analytics data concerning the website optimization performance

Speed Optimization

The power of page speed eventually determines online business success, customers appreciate fast responding websites and ultra-low page load times and they are more likely to convert.

Images can play a major role in your site speed. They’re often very large files, which can slow down page load times. Ensure that all of your image assets are always optimized. As a result expect performance improvements for your website.

Test the speed of your website
Illustration of a mobile phone

Mobile friendly approach

We take a "Mobile-First" approach when developing a web page. The indexing of your site and your online success also depend on the positive experiences of smartphone and tablet users.

Is your website mobile-friendly?

HTTPS certificates

The good reasons to implement an HTTPS certificate on your site are:

SEO factor: Google announced HTTPS as a ranking signal, and they have started indexing secure pages over unsecured pages. In the near future it might become mandatory the use of HTTPs.

Security: If you aren’t running over an HTTPS connection your username and password are sent in clear text over the internet.

Trust: build trust and credibility with your visitors. It is important to let your visitors know you are secure and that their information will be protected.

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Do you need us to take care of your website optimization?

We are here to help